Quote of the day, from Shaun Taylor, a retired Canadian commando who continues to be a badass. @shauntaylors1
This advice is to be applied often in life and judiciously when in the gym.
Exploring and stepping over the line into failure makes all kinds of sense with certain barbell lifts, particularly the clean and the snatch. In fact, it is important to practice failing on these lifts, so that you can do so safely. Ultimately, the snatch and clean are the type of lifts where a small error can result in a missed lift and one must learn to work with this.
On the other hand, I believe that failure is to be avoided in the barbell squat, bench, deadlift and most other heavy lifts .
I have three reasons for thinking this way.
- The chance of injury is much greater with a missed lift.
- The impact on recovery is likely greater.
- We need to remember that with the technical lifting sports, a good deal of the training is neural. Poor lifts and missed lifts are training movement patterns that we generally want to avoid.
If you want to train to failure for either the physical or mental training effect, stick with lighter weight and body weight exercises that you do not use in competition.
Train the body to train the mind.