Tomorrow is the start of the Great Virtual Race Across Tennessee 1000k. Christina prepares with gusto.
Terminal City Barbell Club members Christina, Heather and Al have signed up for The Great Virtual Race Across Tennessee 1000k. This running and walking challenge begins on May 1st 2020 and runs through August 31st. That leaves you with four months to complete the 1000k distance. This can be done in your own community. No trip to Tennessee required. For us this all started with a text from one gym member to Christina, who passed it on to Al, who then told Heather.
None of us have the running fitness to cover 10km every day so we will be starting with a lot more walking as we ramp up our running through the spring and summer. Stay tuned to this blog for updates on our gym members. Brought to you by Laz Lake, the creator of the Barkley Marathons. If moving 1000+km isn't your bag then find something else to stretch yourself. Nobody other than extreme introverts likes social isolation and social distancing. Make yourself tougher, smarter, more skillful. Use this opportunity for good. |
July 2024