coach: Dieter Stamm
On August 25th I made the very long bus trip to South Surrey/White Rock to visit Coach Dieter Stamm at his Semiahmoo Weightlifting Club. Apart from possessing an irrepressible sense of humour and play, Coach Stamm's other standout quality is that he has been coaching weightlifting for longer than I have been alive. He founded the Semi club in 1970. Coach Stamm has committed much of his time and considerable energy to recruiting and developing young athletes for a career in weighlifting, aided by his former position as chemistry teacher at Semiahmoo Secondary School, where his club is still based. He has had and continues to have success both in developing character and in getting athletes ready for major international competitions. I was privileged to train with one of his athletes who is about to leave, in three weeks, for both the World Championships and the Commonwealth Games.