Join us for our second formal internship period of 2018.
Learn how we apply the fundamentals of strength & conditioning to our trainees. Gain some experience in small group barbell coaching. Get an insight into how our gym is run. Learn about how we coach the barbell lifts and how to apply ideas about physical preparation to real life humans.
There is no “life hack” to become good at coaching. You need time in the trenches to develop your eye and your communication skills. We can help you get started on the right foot. Pick up on some of our mistakes from a decade of coaching so that you make fewer of them yourself.
A successful intern candidate will be:
-of good character
-able to work respectfully with a diverse range of people. Members may include cops, social activists, hunters, and vegans.
-open minded, open eared, and open eyed. You will need to be “coachable” yourself if you want to get good at coaching others.
Interns will be introduced to general physical preparation, powerlifting, weightlifting (Olympic), grip strength training and a range of training methodologies as they are applied to a diverse group of trainees.
No experience or previous certification required. This is an unpaid internship: a chance to learn and an opportunity to serve our gym community.
For more information: